Analysis of value and behavioral attitudes in the system of public movement
2021. N 3 -
Development of human potential in the operations of a modern enterprise
2024. N 1 -
Formation of corporate culture in the development strategy of enterprises and organizations
2024. N 4 -
Formation of value-motivational meanings of working mothers' activities
2024. N 4 -
Influence of innovative economy on socio-political attitudes of Russian students
2021. N 4 -
Interregional disproportions in education financing (on the example of the North-West Russia)
2022. N 2 -
Self-recognition, self-search and self-development of youth in modern Russia
2021. N 4 -
Social assessments of the processes of interaction between employees of large industrial enterprises
2022. N 4 -
Social development of teams - a strategic choice of activities of enterprises and organizations
2022. N 3 -
Socio-cultural risks of workforce management in the context of the theory of generations
2023. N 1 -
Sociology as a system-forming science about the development of human relations
2024. N 3 -
The importance of value-motivational meanings in the development of employees conflictological competence
2021. N 1 -
The structure of value orientations of the personality of construction employees in the oil and gas industry
2022. N 3 -
Transformation of students' value orientations as an object of sociological research
2021. N 3 -
Value orientations of modern youth and their role in the formation of youth policy in the Russian Federation
2023. N 2 -
Value orientations and reading dispositions of modern young authors
2021. N 2