Professional self-determination of youth

This article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of the psychological prerequisites for the professional self-determination of young people. The main factors and stages of professional self-determination are determined. The factors of professional self-determination are self-esteem, formed value orientation, career orientation, the presence of internal motivation for choice, personal career planning, the level of requirements, inclinations, the level of personal general abilities and special abilities, such as sustainable motivation, professional shyness. It was revealed that professional self-determination is the main problem of adolescence, which means that young people have two types of information: on the one hand, about the entire professional world, about the requirements of each profession, and on the other hand, about themselves, professionalization. The process of professional self-determination is considered as a continuous personal path on which a person determines professional activity for himself. Young people determine the professional activities to which they are inclined based on personal qualities and various factors. A characteristic psychological prerequisite for the readiness of high school students for a certain choice of a future profession is precisely the formation of value orientations, a pronounced individual career orientation, and the presence of internal motivation for choice.

For citation: Volodin V.N. Professional self-determination of youth. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2023. N. 3. P. 117-121. DOI:10.24412/1994-3776-2023-3-117-121

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