Regulation of ethical aspects in the interaction between medical workers and patients

The article describes the grounds and general provisions for regulating the ethical aspects of the interaction of employees of medical organizations with patients enshrined at the legislative level. Examples of the implementation of tools for regulating the moral and ethical sides of communication between a doctor and a patient within specific medical institutions are presented. The features of the «doctor-patient» interaction for the modern healthcare system of the Russian Federation in terms of staffing and the profile of medical institutions are noted. In order to improve the quality of medical care to the population and increase the level of patient satisfaction it is proposed to consider the opportunities for detailing and specializing the current provisions of the regulation of the professional ethics of medical workers.

For citation: Koblyakova Y.M. Regulation of ethical aspects in the interaction between medical workers and patients. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2023. N. 3. P. 65-69. DOI:10.24412/1994-3776-2023-3-65-69