The article defines the essence of the concepts of uncertainty and risk, studies of sources that accompany the process of managing a socio-economic system in a digital economy. Particular attention is paid to the uncertainty of the socio-psychological environment and socio-psychological dimension of uncertainty, taking into account the characteristics of the personnel of organizations and enterprises as a source of uncertainty and risk factor. Theoretically and empirically substantiated risk factors in the personnel management system: a comparative analysis of the degree of riskogenicity of various groups of personnel, personnel technologies, threats in the management system, vulnerabilities of various types of assets of organizations and enterprises was carried out, the most risky structural, organizational and managerial factors were identified.
For citation: Velmisova D.V. Personnel management in the digital economy: sources of uncertainty and risk factors. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2022. N. 2. P. 62-69. DOI:10.51692/1994-3776-2022-2-62-69