The article presents a methodological approach to assessing the quality of services provided to passengers in the logistics system of public passenger transport in the city. The article deals with the selection of indicators for assessing the quality of passenger transport services, systematization of the requirements of passengers as recipients of public transport services, depending on the size of the city and the level of well-being of the population for the subsequent analysis of value expectations, the satisfaction of which is the main factor in the demand for public transport. The presented design can be used for formation of strategy of development of the systems, modification of their structure, the choice of models of interaction of elements of system of public urban passenger transport, the balance between management practices, choice of sources and methods of financing the operation of the system of garden, necessary and sufficient considering the value expectations of consumers.
For citation: Shulzhenko T., Zhuk A. Value-based approach to assessing the quality of services in the logistics system of public passenger transport. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2021. N. 2. P. 100-109. DOI:10.51692/1994-3776_2021_2_100