The quality of products or services provided depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the staff, and therefore the success of the entire business. It is important to pay attention to staff training and development as one of the key systems for achieving the organization's goals. In the modern world, the training system is being transformed, so it is necessary to analyse the experience of both Russian and foreign companies, namely, what training methods they use. When planning staff training and development, it is necessary to pay great attention not only to the goals, deadlines, expected results and impact, but also to the methods that will be applied, since they largely depend on the success of the entire system. In the modern world, there are also trends in changing the training system, which are important to notice and implement in your company in a timely manner.
For citation: Ivanchenko L. Innovative methods of human resources training. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2021. N. 1. P. 160-164. DOI:10.51692/1994-3776_2021_1_160