The methodology and basic elements of the business process of one-stage economic assessment of organizational projects for personnel management at Russian enterprises are presented. The features of the proposed methodology are based on the assumption of future digitalization and are associated with the need for a preliminary calculation of the maximum possible project costs, localization of the projects under consideration at operating enterprises and the mandatory separation of project goals for increasing sales or reducing the number of personnel. In accordance with the different objectives of the projects, a certain order and special indicators of decision-making are proposed. To determine the maximum possible costs for a personnel management project, a calculation model with four variables is proposed. Special indicators of decision-making include a single criterion - additional profit from sales with constant or growing profitability and the control characteristics of the enterprise.
For citation: Bril A., Kalinina O., Sedyakina A. Economic evaluation of organizational personnel management projects and calculation of regulatory costs. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2021. N. 1. P. 96-106. DOI:10.51692/1994-3776_2021_1_96