2023. N 4
Sociology of Management
Actualisation of headhunting in Russia
Оn the background of many factors (SWO, coronavirus, demographic hole, etc.), the labour market in Russia is experiencing staff starvation, the tension is decreasing on average by 1 per year (according to the hh index). In response to this background, headhunting is being widely used. Protecting employees from it comes down to two approaches: complete secrecy of information about the company and personnel, even within the organisation; or flexible structure, openness, development of trust and informal ties between employees and management.
Digital Literacy of the Population of Belarus: Socio-Demographic Characteristics
The republican monitoring data for 2022 serve the basis for analyzing the readiness of the Belarusian population for changes in the digital sphere via formation of digital literacy. Given a low level of digital literacy of the population of the republic, information and media literacy skills are assessed as more developed, and computer literacy skills – as less developed. Male representatives aged 18 to 29 years, living in an urban environment, working in professional spheres that require constant use of digital technologies (IT-industry, media, banking sector etc.) are revealed as most prepared for the digital society, however no pronounced differences for digital literacy between males and females are found. Representatives of the 50+ generation are least prepared for the digital world. It is suggested that the accelerating digitalization of the Belarusian society will force Belarusians to master digital literacy skills at a faster pace.
Visible elements of corporate culture in medical organizations: theoretical aspects and content analysis
The article describes the increasing role of the formation and development of corporate culture in modern medical organizations. An essential interpretation of the term «corporate culture» is presented, the main functions of corporate culture are highlighted. These functions important for the positioning of the organization in the field of strategic development, presentation in the public space, role in management processes, influence on the organization’s personnel. The article also discusses the levels of corporate culture allocated depending on the «visibility» for external audiences and the corresponding elements of corporate culture. The results of a content analysis of the «visible» elements of corporate culture at the surface and internal level for medical organizations in St. Petersburg are described. It concludes that the official resources of a medical organization on the Internet allow real and potential consumers of medical services to become familiar with the elements of the organization’s corporate culture.
Employee engagement and its importance for the employee and the organization
Abstract. Employee engagement affects the company's business results, its financial stability and development opportunities. The authors compared and related the concepts of employee engagement, satisfaction, and employee loyalty. It is important to create a system of employee engagement in an organization. In order to minimize professional burnout among employees, it is important for company management to find a balance between the desire to increase employee engagement and concern for their well-being.
Peculiarities of congress and exhibition activity development within the framework of global digitalization
The present study is devoted to the consideration of the main, in the author's opinion, peculiarities of congress and exhibition activities development within the framework of global digitalization. The relevance of this work is to consider the essential features of congress and exhibition activities with the purpose of reducing digital development between developing and developed countries. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the consideration of specific examples of congress and exhibition events, as well as consideration of their impact on the development of the economy of states and their citizens. The key conclusion of the work is that congress and exhibition activities today is one of the most powerful tools for worldwide globalization, contributing to comprehensive and complete digital development.
Phenomenon of artificial intelligence in production and trade
In this work the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) will be considered; examples of its use in practice will be given; the impact of AI on production and trade will be described; the data of consulting companies will be analyzed, studying the influence of AI on the economic performance of companies; conclusions based on the conducted studies are presented.
Social dimensions of the quality of working life
The article examines the factors of growth in the quality of working life of enterprise employees. Social measurements of production and labor relations in the collective activities of enterprises have been carried out, characterizing the involvement in creative activities of various professional, qualification and status groups of workers. The directions for increasing the quality of working life of workers and the reflection of its dynamics in the development strategy of enterprises are determined.
Sociology and Labor Organization
The essence, features and role of social capital in the socio-economic system, reproduction process and career building
The article examines the essence, features and characteristics, forms and conditions of the use of social capital in general in the socio-economic system, in the reproductive process and the construction of a career trajectory. The role of social capital in the production process, in entrepreneurship and enterprise creation, in career development and in society, as well as in the public and social sphere is considered. The main current trends and trends in the development of Russian social capital and potential are also given.
The employer’s value proposal in the people-oriented management system
An analysis of research in recent years indicates that the interpretation of the concept of “employer value proposition” is most often associated by the authors with the marketing components of the employer brand and the problems of attracting new employees. The existing restrictive interpretation of the employer’s value proposition becomes a prerequisite for its fragmented application in the practice of personnel management of organizations and enterprises, as well as a barrier in the process of transition to a human-oriented management paradigm. In our opinion, the interpretation of the employer’s value proposition can be expanded based on the application of the theory of value-motivational meanings of activity. This will allow us to consider the employer’s value proposition in a broader context, not only as a marketing technology, but also as a component of the model of value-semantic support for the enterprise’s HR management activities.
Attracting talents: social technologies for creation an appealing HR-brand
The article examines the importance of building HR-brand for the successful attraction and retention of talented professionals in contemporary market conditions. The author proposes steps for creation an appealing company image based on corporate values and culture. The two aspects of the employer brand are discussed. We analyze external and internal hr-brand and their impact on the perception of the company as an attractive workplace. The main focus is on the four stages of HR-brand formation: preparation, formation gathering, development, implementation, and promotion. The article describes a practice-oriented process focused on effective HR brand management in a business environment.
Using social media and online platforms to build an HR brand
The social environment is almost always considered as a set of material, economic, political and spiritual conditions for the existence of a person, social groups of the population. However, the social environment is not homogeneous and solves both general and particular problems due to modern challenges of social development. Changes in the technical and technological structure of enterprises and organizations, the formation of intra-production relations and a culture of personnel behavior presupposes paying attention to the potential for advanced self-development of a person. The article attempts to focus on the growing role of the social environment in determining and self-development of a person's potential, adequate to the goals and objectives of social development.
Conceptual development of «human potential» in the context of modern theories and practices of social development
The article reveals modern interpretations of the phenomenon of «human potential» and substantiates the need to understand it in a broader context, taking into account practice-oriented social transformations. The theoretical provisions are supported by the results of empirical research, emphasizing the dependence of the growth of human potential on social relations development.
Artificial Intelligence and sociology of labor: changes in employment structure, professional roles and skill requirements in the conditions of AI development
To optimize all routine processes, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is a fundamental breakthrough in terms of increasing the efficiency of all current processes. In the context of the development of AI, a change in the sociology of work is expected, which will affect current work processes. This article analyzes the changes that will occur in the structure of employment in the next 5 years, changes in professional roles, and how employers' requirements for employee skills are changing, based on the development and application of AI in various industries.
Managing the motivation of remote employees
The article is devoted to the work motivation system for remote (remote) employees, the pros and cons of remote (remote) work are identified, the types of employees who can work remotely (remotely) are considered, material and non-material motivation methods are formed and measures are proposed to improve the work motivation system for remote workers (remote) employees. Also, methods of motivating remote (remote) employees are considered using the example of a modern organization.
Economic Sociology
Development of small and medium business in the context of the national project «Small and medium entrepreneurship and support of individual entrepreneurial initiative»
The article examines the development of small and medium businesses in the Russian Federation. Statistical data characterizing the dynamics of development of the business sector and its structure are provided. Systemic problems of small and medium businesses are identified. Substantiated needs to continue the implementation of the national project “Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives” until 2030.
Sociology of Empirical Research
Typology and procedures for empirical research in a qualitative paradigm
Based on a review of foreign literary sources, the article discusses the types of qualitative sociological research, as well as the procedures for conducting them. The following qualitative research methods are analyzed: narrative, phenomenological, ethnographic research, grounded theory, case study.
Sociology of Youth
The attitude of young people to the problem of a healthy lifestyle
This article reveals the most important problem today – the problem of a healthy lifestyle and the attitude of young people to this problem. Health is the most important component affecting the overall well-being of the whole country. The health status of young people of the 21st century is especially important, because they are the future of modern society. The article considers the main blocks of measures that influence the formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people. Methods informing about a healthy lifestyle are also presented.
School for young researchers
Digitalization of Media as a Conflict Factor in Intergenerational Transmission of Values
The article raises the problem of the influence of digitalization on the intergenerational transmission of values. It analyzes the role of digital transformation of media consumption, social interaction and leisure in increasing the generation gap and catalyzing the conflictogenicity of family relationships. The author points out that the causes of conflicts arising in this regard concern both the values internalized by children and adolescents during the practices of media consumption and digital interaction, and these practices themselves.
The impact of digitalization on the younger generation
The article reveals a controversial problem – the problem of the impact of digitalization on the younger generation. The emergence of digital technologies is certainly a global progress for our society, but digitalization has a negative impact, especially for children of the 21st century who were "born with gadgets in their hands." Being introduced into all spheres of society, digitalization creates both new opportunities and new risks. Children live and study in a digital environment. The article provides recommendations that allow parents to reduce the pastime of children on the Internet.
Leisure preferences of modern teenagers
The article presents an analysis of a study among adolescents and their parents on the topic of identifying leisure preferences. The hobbies of modern teenagers and the main types of pastime in their free time are considered in detail. In addition, the article presents the opinions of parents on the specifics of visiting sections by children.
Social marketing of "GLORIA JEANS" trademark
In modern market circumstances Russian brands are experiencing not quite prosperous periods. It is difficult to talk about the sustainability of organizations at present. Accordingly, many domestic brands are forced to resort to countermeasures and search for options for withdrawal from the current economic situation. The withdrawal of foreign structures has freed up positions in the Russian market in all areas, but the opportunities for direct business have not increased. The significance of this article is due to the need to identify those elements of the network structure, with the help of which the brand got out not only from the crisis situation, but also changed its reputation on the example of the brand "Gloria Jeans", which after 2016 lost its appeal to a wide consumer audience, but continues to actively function, adapting to its needs.
Analysis of the communication policy of SBERBANK PJSC
The article discusses the effectiveness of The work is devoted to the analysis of the marketing communication policy of Sberbank PJSC. The main purpose of the organization's marketing is to provide interested parties with information about the directions of business development, taking into account current and future market needs. Marketing communication is a tool that allows you to meet the needs of potential and existing customers. The relevance of the research is due to changes in the world in the conditions of political and economic crises, when some communication channels have become unavailable in Russia. The purpose of the work is to determine the current state of implementation of Sberbank's communication policy and make recommendations for its improvement.
The sociological meaning and significance of the city center
The article analyzes the symbolic significance of the center for urban settlements on the example of projects of "ideal" cities of different times: from Plato's concepts to the theories of "new urbanism". The theories of classical researchers of urban spaces (E. Burgess etc.), as well as the materials and approach of structuralist scientists (M. Eliade, A. G. Dugin, etc.). It is concluded that the city center concentrates the main sacred and political meanings, is the basis of the hierarchy and concentricity of the city, but with the advent of modernity, the centers begin to give way to the most significant public space to city streets.
Demographic situation of the Kurgan region: marriage and divorce
This article presents the main characteristics of the family as a factor of the demographic situation. The study examines data on the creation and disintegration of a family, presents the main factors affecting marriage and divorce. A lot of important issues are the age structure of the grooms and brides, which is also discussed in this artiсle.